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MUSME organizes a meeting to expand on advocacy for SMEs
Author: B. Kamanga
Company: National Agrodealers Association
Time: 2024-12-09 20:18:22
The Malawi Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (MUSME) held a pivotal meeting on December 6, 2024, in Lilongwe, drawing participation from numerous associations, including the National Agrodealers Association. The meeting was convened to orient associations on newly introduced legislation that requires them to obtain operational licenses and to provide a platform for addressing concerns faced by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malawi.
The discussions emphasized compliance with the new regulations and outlined steps for associations to effectively voice their grievances through the Ministry of Trade. Key topics of concern included the mistreatment of smaller entreprises by large corporations and inefficiencies in government agency operations, which were cited as significant obstacles to business growth and sustainability.
The National Agrodealers Association, represented by Mr. A.B. Mwale, Mr. Kanyimbo, and Mr Kamanga actively engaged in the discussions. They highlighted the specific challenges faced by agrodealers and advocated for a fair and supportive regulatory framework. Their contributions underscored the association’s commitment to ensuring that the voices of its members are heard in shaping policies affecting the sector.
MUSME’s initiative was lauded for fostering collaboration between SMEs and the government. By addressing the challenges raised and providing guidance on legislative compliance, the meeting was a significant step toward creating a more equitable and efficient business environment for SMEs in Malawi. The National Agrodealers Association reaffirmed its dedication to supporting its members through this transition and advocating for their interests at the national level.
National Agrodealers Association Participates in the Launch of Nano Fertilizer in Lilongwe
Author: B. Kamanga
Company: National Agrodealers Association
Time: 2024-12-09 17:44:04
The National Agrodealers Association recently attended the much-anticipated launch of Nano Fertilizer, organized by the Smallholder Farmers Fertilizer Revolving Fund of Malawi (SFFRFM) in Lilongwe. This groundbreaking event showcased the innovative Nano Fertilizer technology, which promises to revolutionize agricultural productivity by enhancing crop yields through efficient nutrient delivery. The Minister of Agriculture was also present, stressing on the need for continued innovation in Malawi’s agricultural sector. Representing the Association at the launch was Mr. Mwale, The President of the National Agrodealers Association. Other representatives present were Mr. Kanyimbo, and Mr. Kamanga. Their participation underscores the Association's commitment to staying at the forefront of advancements in agricultural inputs, ensuring members are informed and equipped with cutting-edge technologies to serve smallholder farmers better. The introduction of Nano Fertilizer comes at a critical time as Malawi seeks sustainable solutions to boost agricultural productivity amidst challenges like climate change, declining soil fertility, and rising input costs. Unlike conventional fertilizers, Nano Fertilizer is designed to deliver essential nutrients in smaller quantities, ensuring minimal wastage, lower environmental impact, and cost-effectiveness for farmers. During the event, stakeholders discussed the potential benefits of adopting Nano Fertilizer, emphasizing its role in achieving food security and improving livelihoods for smallholder farmers. The National Agrodealers Association representatives engaged with SFFRFM officials, suppliers, and other stakeholders, exploring avenues for collaboration in the distribution and promotion of this innovative product. The Association remains committed to empowering agrodealers across Malawi by providing access to innovative products and ensuring farmers have the tools to succeed. With initiatives like the Nano Fertilizer launch, the National Agrodealers Association continues to bridge the gap between cutting-edge agricultural solutions and grassroots implementation.
Author: Blessings
Company: National Agrodealers Association
Time: 2024-12-05 21:19:45
The National Agrodealers Association attended the SFFRFM launch of Nano Fertilizer in Lilongwe. In attendance were Mr Mwale, Mr Kanyimbo and Mr Kamanga representing the Association.
Author: Secretariate
Company: National Agrodealers Association
Time: 2023-05-01 11:25:55
AFAP organized a Legumes Strategy Meeting on the 21st of April, 2023. In the meeting, various stakeholders were present and gave their various views. Various aspects of the legumes industries was highlighted in the meeting. One of the issues that were discussed was the importance of the groundnuts which is one of the priority crops for report. The grain legumes are also an important climate adaptation intervention as they help retain soil water.
There are 3.4 million farmers in Malawi, however approximately 100, 000 farmers are growing groundnuts. The majority of farmers are using manual production as opposed to automated systems, as well as rain fed agriculture as opposed to irrigation systems. All this is an opportunity for farmers, agrodealers, agro-processors as well as other public and private institutions to increase output and efficiency of the legume production here in Malawi.
In 2021, Malawi experienced a sharp drop in groundnuts exports. There was 69 percent decrease in groundnut exports from 29 million in 2020 to 9 million in 2021. However, these were the official export numbers as unofficial and informal market metrics were not captured. However this also means there are hurdles in the formalization of legume produce in Malawi, which means there is a need to have policy and law reviews to solve the issue.
Those that purchase legumes and groundnuts include vendors, retailers, wholesalers, fellow farmers, agro-processors as well as individual households. The price of groundnuts and other legumes is usually low around harvest period from May to June and picks around October to November. As of 2021 June, the average pricing of groundnuts was around MK900 to MK 950 per KG, and it peeked at MK 1500 per KG from November, 2022 to January 2023.
Overall and in conclusion, the players in the agricultural sector have an opportunity to solve the issues plaguing the legume and groundnut industries. Legumes do not require nitrogen fertilizers and are thus better suited from low input production. However, there are a lot of issues to be solved including the aflatoxin problem, the dependency on rain fed agriculture as well as mechanization and export issues. Agrodealers can thereby, come in and help various stakeholders in the solving of the issues as well as supply of inputs in the direction of the legume strategies.
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